Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Not Just RV Parks and Campgrounds....

When I first thought about starting this blog my intention was to focus on RV parks / campgrounds, etc. 

However, the more I travel, the more I realize that cleanliness in any/every restroom is essential!

Therefore, I'll be posting information on restaurants, truckstops, rest areas.... In other words, bathrooms everywhere.

But before we get much furhter into our bathroom blues, let's talk about things you might need to carry when you are going to be using the bathhouse at a RV park or campground...

We know the basics (shampoo, conditioner, soap or body wash, washcloth and towel, brush or comb, hand/body lotion). You'd be surprised at how many times I got to the restroom and realized I forgot something. LOL!

I like to wear cheap flipflops while in the shower. We don't realize how very porous our feet are and, well, I just feel better with something between me and all those germs on the shower stall floor.

Another good idea is to carry a can of disinfectant spray. Especially if the thought of what all might take place in a shower stall gives you the heebeejeebees. I'm not going to get graphic with this but any number and kind of cooties could be lingering on those walls and floors.

Disinfectant wipes are a plus also for wiping the toilet seat down before you use it. These are great to carry in your purse or vehicle and grab a couple when you stop anywhere and use the restroom.

If you implement either of these last two ideas, be a sweetheart and spray/wipe the facilities down after your use for the next person's safety. Or at least their peace of mind.

I know some folks who use baby/flushable wipes instead of or addition to the toilet paper provided (which is usually the thinest, lowest quality, cheapest to be found). Be careful if you choose to do this. Not every restroom has a trashcan in the stalls. Although many of these wipes claim to be biodegradable, they're not always the best option because they don't break down as easily as toilet paper. That could cause problems for the campground's sewer system.

And, of course if you're tent camping at a RV park or campground, you'll want to include toothbrush, tooth paste, floss, etc in your toiletries. Most have electrical outlets so blow dryers can be used if you worry about that while camping.

Just a few travel bathroom tips for you today.

Until next time, remember public/personal safety is your responsibility just as much as the next guy's. ðŸ˜Š


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

New York City


In a previous post, I shared links to my West Coast vacation in 2017. Although that was the longest roadtrip I've taken to date (7 weeks!) it was/is only one of many wonderful places I've visited.

Back in December 2014, my son treated me with a visit to New York City.

I'm not usually big on large cities but this was a trip of a lifetime.

We visited the 9/11 Memorial, saw the musical Wicked, watched a Rockettes show and generally covered a lot of ground in 2 1/2 days.

One of the most magical things about this trip, (other than being with my son!) were the larger than life Christmas decorations everywhere.

New York is a great place to visit, but as I said, I'm not much on large cities so I definitely would not want to live there LOL!

One day I hope to go back and to go to Niagra Falls.

Although this was my first visit to New York City, it was not my only visit to New York state.

I have a friend who lives in the Finger Lakes region and I've traveled to be with her a time or two. In fact, the setting for my book, The Inheritance (Hammondsport) evolved out of one of those visits.

One thing I've learned in my travels is that we have a great, big, beautiful country here and there is more to see than you can imagine. I hope sharing my travels with you will enourage you to get out there and see some of it.

Until next time, 

Keep it clean.


Friday, August 2, 2024

Why Bathrooms When You Travel in/with a Motorhome/Fifth-Wheel


You might be wondering why public/rv park restrooms would even matter to someone who brings their own with them. Lot's of reasons!

If a park doesn't have full hook-ups which include sewage, you might want to use the bath house. Especially if you're only staying 1 night. Saves you having to dump or carry the extra weight with you to your next stop.

Trust me, we've done both and the smell is awful even using extra toilet tabs.

Reason #2: If you're staying long term at an RV park that does not have sewage hookups, using the public restrooms prevents you from having to carry and dump a portable tank or hooking up the camper to go dump in the middle of your stay.

Reason #3: Sometimes the camper bathroom is just too damn small. Or the hot water doesn't get/stay hot or....there are any number of reasons to worry about the state of public RV park bathrooms.

Until next time, happy trails!


Continuing Summer 2024 Vacation in Cleveland, OH & the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!

  One of my favorite songs of all time is Old Time Rock -n Roll by Bob Seger, so imagine the joy and awe of visiting a place that celebrates...

Bathroom Legend

Not Up to My Standards: Singing the Blues -- Mediocre: Humming the Blues -- Outstanding: Singing a Happy Tune **Please note these are MY standards. Not everyone feels the way I do about restroom facilities!**