In my last post, I mentioned my cousin and I were heading off on vacation to London/Bath and Ireland.
This will be the first of many blog posts outlining our trip, the places we visited and what we experienced.
We flew out of New Orleans 9/9 on a puddle-jumper (ie: small) plane to Charlotte, NC then connected on a larger flight to Heathrow airport in London.
Since we basically began our trip at Heathrow and ended up there again on our way home ten days later, (and edured a 7 hr. layover!) I thought I'd tell you something about this airport.
AND, since this blog is about bathroom blues, you'll get a glimpse into the restroom facilities at this h-u-m-o-n-g-o-u-s airport that covers nearly 5 square miles of property.
Filled with shops such as Cartier, Chanel, Dior, etc., a layover might be a shoppers dream. You definitely won't go hungry or be bored if you love to browse.
Me? I'm not a browser or shopper so I simply put on my headphones to block out the background noise of thousands of people sitting, walking and talking from every direction and read 2 books LOL!
Although I am not big on shopping malls (and they have one at each of their four passenger terminals), I was very impressed at the availability and cleanliness of the bathrooms.
One feature that made my heart smile was the hand dryers on the same fixture as the water and soap!
You simply washed your hands and then spread them apart a few inches to each side and the dryer would come on.
This avoids so much water on the floor which is wonderful for putting down purses or carry-on luggage.
BRAVO, Heathrow!
Your bathrooms had me singing a happy tune during my ridiculously long layover.
Stay tuned friends for more on my UK trip.
To find out more about this amazing airport visit
Until next time, happy traveling.
*image courtesy of pixabay*